pangomm 2.56.2
Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CAnalysisA Pango::Analysis stores information about the properties of a segment of text
 CAttrColorA Pango::AttrColor is used to represent an attribute which is a color
 CAttrFloatA Pango::AttrFloat is used to represent an attribute with a float or double value
 CAttrFontDescA Pango::AttrFontDesc is used to represent an attribute that sets all aspects of the font description at once
 CAttributeThe Pango::Attribute structure represents the common portions of all attributes
 CAttrIntA Pango::AttrInt is used to represent an attribute with an integer or enumeration value
 CAttrIterA Pango::AttrIter is used to represent an iterator through a Pango::AttrList
 CAttrLanguageA Pango::AttrLanguage is used to represent an attribute that is a language
 CAttrListA Pango::AttrList represents a list of attributes that apply to a section of text
 CAttrShapeA Pango::AttrShape structure is used to represent an attribute which imposes shape restrictions
 CAttrStringA Pango::AttrString is used to represent an attribute with a string value
 CBaselineShift_WrapperWrapper for enum BaselineShift
 CCairoFontMapPango::CairoFontMap is an interface implemented by font maps for use with Cairo
 CCairoFontMapImplGdk::CairoFontMapImpl is a Pango::FontMap that implements the Pango::CairoFontMap interface
 CColorA Pango::Color is used to represent a color in an uncalibrated RGB colorspace
 CContextA Pango::Context stores global information used to control the itemization process
 CCoverageA Pango::Coverage represents a map from ISO-10646 character point to Pango::Coverage::Level
 CFontA Pango::Font is used to represent a font in a rendering-system-independent matter
 CFontDescriptionA Pango::FontDescription represents the description of an ideal font
 CFontFaceA Pango::FontFace is used to represent a group of fonts with the same family, slant, weight, width, but varying sizes
 CFontFamilyA Pango::FontFamily is used to represent a family of related font faces
 CFontMapA Pango::FontMap represents the set of fonts available for a particular rendering system
 CFontMetricsA Pango::FontMetrics holds the overall metric information for a font (possibly restricted to a script)
 CFontsetA Pango::Fontset is used to represent a set of fonts
 CGlyphGeometryA Pango::GlyphGeometry contains width and positioning information for a single glyph
 CGlyphInfoA Pango::GlyphInfo represents a single glyph together with positioning information and visual attributes
 CGlyphItemA Pango::GlyphItem is a pair of a Pango::Item and the glyphs resulting from shaping the text corresponding to an item
 CGlyphStringA Pango::GlyphString is used to store strings of glyphs with geometry and visual attribute information
 CItemA Pango::Item stores information about a segment of text
 CLanguageA Pango::Language is used to represent a language
 CLayoutA Pango::Layout represents an entire paragraph of text
 CLayoutIterA Pango::LayoutIter can be used to iterate over the visual extents of a Pango::Layout
 CLayoutLineA Pango::LayoutLine represents one of the lines resulting from laying out a paragraph via Pango::Layout
 CRectangleA Pango::Rectangle represents a rectangle
 CRendererPango::Renderer is a base class that contains the necessary logic for rendering a Pango::Layout or Pango::LayoutLine
 CTabArrayA Pango::TabArray contains an array of tab stops
 CWeight_WrapperWrapper for enum Weight