pangomm 2.56.2
Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
Pango Namespace Reference


class  Analysis
 A Pango::Analysis stores information about the properties of a segment of text. More...
class  AttrColor
 A Pango::AttrColor is used to represent an attribute which is a color. More...
class  AttrFloat
 A Pango::AttrFloat is used to represent an attribute with a float or double value. More...
class  AttrFontDesc
 A Pango::AttrFontDesc is used to represent an attribute that sets all aspects of the font description at once. More...
class  Attribute
 The Pango::Attribute structure represents the common portions of all attributes. More...
struct  AttributeTraits
class  AttrInt
 A Pango::AttrInt is used to represent an attribute with an integer or enumeration value. More...
class  AttrIter
 A Pango::AttrIter is used to represent an iterator through a Pango::AttrList. More...
class  AttrLanguage
 A Pango::AttrLanguage is used to represent an attribute that is a language. More...
class  AttrList
 A Pango::AttrList represents a list of attributes that apply to a section of text. More...
class  AttrShape
 A Pango::AttrShape structure is used to represent an attribute which imposes shape restrictions. More...
class  AttrString
 A Pango::AttrString is used to represent an attribute with a string value. More...
class  BaselineShift_Wrapper
 Wrapper for enum BaselineShift. More...
class  CairoFontMap
 Pango::CairoFontMap is an interface implemented by font maps for use with Cairo. More...
class  CairoFontMapImpl
 Gdk::CairoFontMapImpl is a Pango::FontMap that implements the Pango::CairoFontMap interface. More...
class  Color
 A Pango::Color is used to represent a color in an uncalibrated RGB colorspace. More...
class  Context
 A Pango::Context stores global information used to control the itemization process. More...
class  Coverage
 A Pango::Coverage represents a map from ISO-10646 character point to Pango::Coverage::Level. More...
class  Font
 A Pango::Font is used to represent a font in a rendering-system-independent matter. More...
class  FontDescription
 A Pango::FontDescription represents the description of an ideal font. More...
class  FontFace
 A Pango::FontFace is used to represent a group of fonts with the same family, slant, weight, width, but varying sizes. More...
class  FontFamily
 A Pango::FontFamily is used to represent a family of related font faces. More...
class  FontMap
 A Pango::FontMap represents the set of fonts available for a particular rendering system. More...
class  FontMetrics
 A Pango::FontMetrics holds the overall metric information for a font (possibly restricted to a script). More...
class  Fontset
 A Pango::Fontset is used to represent a set of fonts. More...
class  GlyphGeometry
 A Pango::GlyphGeometry contains width and positioning information for a single glyph. More...
class  GlyphInfo
 A Pango::GlyphInfo represents a single glyph together with positioning information and visual attributes. More...
class  GlyphItem
 A Pango::GlyphItem is a pair of a Pango::Item and the glyphs resulting from shaping the text corresponding to an item. More...
class  GlyphString
 A Pango::GlyphString is used to store strings of glyphs with geometry and visual attribute information. More...
class  Item
 A Pango::Item stores information about a segment of text. More...
class  Language
 A Pango::Language is used to represent a language. More...
class  Layout
 A Pango::Layout represents an entire paragraph of text. More...
class  LayoutIter
 A Pango::LayoutIter can be used to iterate over the visual extents of a Pango::Layout. More...
class  LayoutLine
 A Pango::LayoutLine represents one of the lines resulting from laying out a paragraph via Pango::Layout. More...
class  Rectangle
 A Pango::Rectangle represents a rectangle. More...
class  Renderer
 Pango::Renderer is a base class that contains the necessary logic for rendering a Pango::Layout or Pango::LayoutLine. More...
class  TabArray
 A Pango::TabArray contains an array of tab stops. More...
class  Weight_Wrapper
 Wrapper for enum Weight. More...


typedef PangoMatrix Matrix
using BaselineShift = BaselineShift_Wrapper::BaselineShift
 BaselineShift enumerators are scoped by the wrapper class and can be implicitly converted to int.
typedef PangoLogAttr LogAttr
 A Pango::LogAttr stores information about the attributes of a single character.
using Weight = Weight_Wrapper::Weight
 Weight enumerators are scoped by the wrapper class and can be implicitly converted to int.
typedef PangoGlyph Glyph
 A Pango::Glyph represents a single glyph in the output form of a string.
typedef PangoGlyphUnit GlyphUnit
 A Pango::GlyphUnit is used to store dimensions within Pango.
typedef PangoGlyphVisAttr GlyphVisAttr
 A Pango::GlyphVisAttr is used to communicate information between the shaping phase and the rendering phase.


enum class  AttrType {
  AttrType::INVALID ,
  AttrType::LANGUAGE ,
  AttrType::FAMILY ,
  AttrType::STYLE ,
  AttrType::WEIGHT ,
  AttrType::VARIANT ,
  AttrType::STRETCH ,
  AttrType::SIZE ,
  AttrType::FONT_DESC ,
  AttrType::FOREGROUND ,
  AttrType::BACKGROUND ,
  AttrType::UNDERLINE ,
  AttrType::RISE ,
  AttrType::SHAPE ,
  AttrType::SCALE_FACTOR ,
  AttrType::FALLBACK ,
  AttrType::GRAVITY ,
  AttrType::GRAVITY_HINT ,
  AttrType::ALLOW_BREAKS ,
  AttrType::SHOW ,
  AttrType::OVERLINE ,
  AttrType::LINE_HEIGHT ,
  AttrType::WORD ,
  AttrType::SENTENCE ,
 The Pango::AttrType distinguishes between different types of attributes. More...
enum class  Underline {
  Underline::NONE ,
  Underline::SINGLE ,
  Underline::DOUBLE ,
  Underline::LOW ,
  Underline::ERROR ,
  Underline::SINGLE_LINE ,
  Underline::DOUBLE_LINE ,
 The Pango::Underline enumeration is used to specify whether text should be underlined, and if so, the type of underlining. More...
enum class  Overline {
  Overline::NONE ,
 The Pango::Overline enumeration is used to specify whether text should be overlined, and if so, the type of line. More...
enum class  ShowFlags {
  ShowFlags::NONE = 0x0 ,
  ShowFlags::SPACES = 1 << 0 ,
  ShowFlags::LINE_BREAKS = 1 << 1 ,
  ShowFlags::IGNORABLES = 1 << 2
 These flags affect how Pango treats characters that are normally not visible in the output. More...
enum class  TextTransform {
  TextTransform::NONE ,
  TextTransform::LOWERCASE ,
  TextTransform::UPPERCASE ,
 An enumeration that affects how Pango treats characters during shaping. More...
enum class  FontScale {
  FontScale::NONE ,
  FontScale::SUPERSCRIPT ,
  FontScale::SUBSCRIPT ,
 An enumeration that affects font sizes for superscript and subscript positioning and for (emulated) Small Caps. More...
enum class  Direction {
  Direction::LTR ,
  Direction::RTL ,
  Direction::TTB_LTR ,
  Direction::TTB_RTL ,
  Direction::WEAK_LTR ,
  Direction::WEAK_RTL ,
 Pango::Direction represents a direction in the Unicode bidirectional algorithm. More...
enum class  GravityHint {
  GravityHint::NATURAL ,
  GravityHint::STRONG ,
 Pango::GravityHint defines how horizontal scripts should behave in a vertical context. More...
enum class  Style {
  Style::NORMAL ,
  Style::OBLIQUE ,
 An enumeration specifying the various slant styles possible for a font. More...
enum class  Variant {
  Variant::NORMAL ,
  Variant::SMALL_CAPS ,
  Variant::ALL_SMALL_CAPS ,
  Variant::PETITE_CAPS ,
  Variant::ALL_PETITE_CAPS ,
  Variant::UNICASE ,
 An enumeration specifying capitalization variant of the font. More...
enum class  Stretch {
  Stretch::CONDENSED ,
  Stretch::NORMAL ,
  Stretch::SEMI_EXPANDED ,
  Stretch::EXPANDED ,
 An enumeration specifying the width of the font relative to other designs within a family. More...
enum class  FontMask {
  FontMask::FAMILY = 1 << 0 ,
  FontMask::STYLE = 1 << 1 ,
  FontMask::VARIANT = 1 << 2 ,
  FontMask::WEIGHT = 1 << 3 ,
  FontMask::STRETCH = 1 << 4 ,
  FontMask::SIZE = 1 << 5 ,
  FontMask::GRAVITY = 1 << 6 ,
  FontMask::VARIATIONS = 1 << 7 ,
  FontMask::FEATURES = 1 << 8
 The bits in a Pango::FontMask correspond to the set fields in a Pango::FontDescription. More...
enum class  Gravity {
  Gravity::SOUTH ,
  Gravity::EAST ,
  Gravity::NORTH ,
  Gravity::WEST ,
 Pango::Gravity represents the orientation of glyphs in a segment of text. More...
enum class  ShapeFlags {
  ShapeFlags::NONE = 0x0 ,
  ShapeFlags::ROUND_POSITIONS = 1 << 0
 Flags influencing the shaping process. More...
enum class  Script {
  Script::INVALID_CODE = -1 ,
  Script::COMMON ,
  Script::INHERITED ,
  Script::ARABIC ,
  Script::ARMENIAN ,
  Script::BENGALI ,
  Script::BOPOMOFO ,
  Script::CHEROKEE ,
  Script::COPTIC ,
  Script::CYRILLIC ,
  Script::DESERET ,
  Script::DEVANAGARI ,
  Script::ETHIOPIC ,
  Script::GEORGIAN ,
  Script::GOTHIC ,
  Script::GREEK ,
  Script::GUJARATI ,
  Script::GURMUKHI ,
  Script::HAN ,
  Script::HANGUL ,
  Script::HEBREW ,
  Script::HIRAGANA ,
  Script::KANNADA ,
  Script::KATAKANA ,
  Script::KHMER ,
  Script::LAO ,
  Script::LATIN ,
  Script::MALAYALAM ,
  Script::MONGOLIAN ,
  Script::MYANMAR ,
  Script::OGHAM ,
  Script::OLD_ITALIC ,
  Script::ORIYA ,
  Script::RUNIC ,
  Script::SINHALA ,
  Script::SYRIAC ,
  Script::TAMIL ,
  Script::TELUGU ,
  Script::THAANA ,
  Script::THAI ,
  Script::TIBETAN ,
  Script::YI ,
  Script::TAGALOG ,
  Script::HANUNOO ,
  Script::BUHID ,
  Script::TAGBANWA ,
  Script::BRAILLE ,
  Script::CYPRIOT ,
  Script::LIMBU ,
  Script::OSMANYA ,
  Script::SHAVIAN ,
  Script::LINEAR_B ,
  Script::TAI_LE ,
  Script::UGARITIC ,
  Script::NEW_TAI_LUE ,
  Script::BUGINESE ,
  Script::GLAGOLITIC ,
  Script::TIFINAGH ,
  Script::SYLOTI_NAGRI ,
  Script::OLD_PERSIAN ,
  Script::KHAROSHTHI ,
  Script::UNKNOWN ,
  Script::BALINESE ,
  Script::CUNEIFORM ,
  Script::PHOENICIAN ,
  Script::PHAGS_PA ,
  Script::NKO ,
  Script::KAYAH_LI ,
  Script::LEPCHA ,
  Script::REJANG ,
  Script::SUNDANESE ,
  Script::SAURASHTRA ,
  Script::CHAM ,
  Script::OL_CHIKI ,
  Script::VAI ,
  Script::CARIAN ,
  Script::LYCIAN ,
  Script::LYDIAN ,
  Script::BATAK ,
  Script::BRAHMI ,
  Script::MANDAIC ,
  Script::CHAKMA ,
  Script::MIAO ,
  Script::SHARADA ,
  Script::SORA_SOMPENG ,
  Script::TAKRI ,
  Script::BASSA_VAH ,
  Script::DUPLOYAN ,
  Script::ELBASAN ,
  Script::GRANTHA ,
  Script::KHOJKI ,
  Script::KHUDAWADI ,
  Script::LINEAR_A ,
  Script::MAHAJANI ,
  Script::MANICHAEAN ,
  Script::MODI ,
  Script::MRO ,
  Script::NABATAEAN ,
  Script::OLD_PERMIC ,
  Script::PAHAWH_HMONG ,
  Script::PALMYRENE ,
  Script::PAU_CIN_HAU ,
  Script::SIDDHAM ,
  Script::TIRHUTA ,
  Script::WARANG_CITI ,
  Script::AHOM ,
  Script::HATRAN ,
  Script::MULTANI ,
 The Pango::Script enumeration identifies different writing systems. More...
enum class  Alignment {
  Alignment::LEFT ,
  Alignment::CENTER ,
 Pango::Alignment describes how to align the lines of a Pango::Layout within the available space. More...
enum class  WrapMode {
  WrapMode::WORD ,
  WrapMode::CHAR ,
  WrapMode::WORD_CHAR ,
 Pango::WrapMode describes how to wrap the lines of a Pango::Layout to the desired width. More...
enum class  EllipsizeMode {
  EllipsizeMode::NONE ,
  EllipsizeMode::START ,
  EllipsizeMode::MIDDLE ,
 Pango::EllipsizeMode describes what sort of ellipsization should be applied to text. More...
enum class  TabAlign {
  TabAlign::LEFT ,
  TabAlign::RIGHT ,
  TabAlign::CENTER ,
 Pango::TabAlign specifies where the text appears relative to the tab stop position. More...


void init ()
 Initialize pangomm.
ShowFlags operator| (ShowFlags lhs, ShowFlags rhs)
ShowFlags operator& (ShowFlags lhs, ShowFlags rhs)
ShowFlags operator^ (ShowFlags lhs, ShowFlags rhs)
ShowFlags operator~ (ShowFlags flags)
ShowFlagsoperator|= (ShowFlags & lhs, ShowFlags rhs)
ShowFlagsoperator&= (ShowFlags & lhs, ShowFlags rhs)
ShowFlagsoperator^= (ShowFlags & lhs, ShowFlags rhs)
FontMask operator| (FontMask lhs, FontMask rhs)
FontMask operator& (FontMask lhs, FontMask rhs)
FontMask operator^ (FontMask lhs, FontMask rhs)
FontMask operator~ (FontMask flags)
FontMaskoperator|= (FontMask & lhs, FontMask rhs)
FontMaskoperator&= (FontMask & lhs, FontMask rhs)
FontMaskoperator^= (FontMask & lhs, FontMask rhs)
ShapeFlags operator| (ShapeFlags lhs, ShapeFlags rhs)
ShapeFlags operator& (ShapeFlags lhs, ShapeFlags rhs)
ShapeFlags operator^ (ShapeFlags lhs, ShapeFlags rhs)
ShapeFlags operator~ (ShapeFlags flags)
ShapeFlagsoperator|= (ShapeFlags & lhs, ShapeFlags rhs)
ShapeFlagsoperator&= (ShapeFlags & lhs, ShapeFlags rhs)
ShapeFlagsoperator^= (ShapeFlags & lhs, ShapeFlags rhs)


const int SCALE = 1024
const double SCALE_XX_SMALL = 0.5787037037037
const double SCALE_X_SMALL = 0.6444444444444
const double SCALE_SMALL = 0.8333333333333
const double SCALE_MEDIUM = 1.0
const double SCALE_LARGE = 1.2
const double SCALE_X_LARGE = 1.4399999999999
const double SCALE_XX_LARGE = 1.728

Typedef Documentation

◆ Glyph

typedef PangoGlyph Pango::Glyph

A Pango::Glyph represents a single glyph in the output form of a string.

◆ GlyphUnit

typedef PangoGlyphUnit Pango::GlyphUnit

A Pango::GlyphUnit is used to store dimensions within Pango.

Dimensions are stored in 1/64ths of a point.

◆ GlyphVisAttr

typedef PangoGlyphVisAttr Pango::GlyphVisAttr

A Pango::GlyphVisAttr is used to communicate information between the shaping phase and the rendering phase.

It's contents are still evolving.

◆ LogAttr

typedef PangoLogAttr Pango::LogAttr

A Pango::LogAttr stores information about the attributes of a single character.

◆ Matrix

typedef PangoMatrix Pango::Matrix

Function Documentation

◆ init()

void Pango::init ( )

Initialize pangomm.

You may call this more than once. You do not need to call this if you are using Gtk::Main, because it calls it for you.

Variable Documentation


const int Pango::SCALE = 1024


const double Pango::SCALE_LARGE = 1.2


const double Pango::SCALE_MEDIUM = 1.0


const double Pango::SCALE_SMALL = 0.8333333333333


const double Pango::SCALE_X_LARGE = 1.4399999999999


const double Pango::SCALE_X_SMALL = 0.6444444444444


const double Pango::SCALE_XX_LARGE = 1.728


const double Pango::SCALE_XX_SMALL = 0.5787037037037